Commonsense Leadership

Bring Balance to Bend

About Rick Johns

My wife and I have lived in Bend for 14 years after fleeing California. We have owned and operated a downtown business, Haven Home Style, for 10 years. I also operate a warehouse on the SE side. Additionally, I donate high-end furniture to Furnish Hope as I believe in their mission

The current City Council is out of touch with mainstream Bend residents and ignoring your voice when it comes to issues that affect you. Incredible people are fed up and moving away from Bend. I look forward to partnering with future Mayor Chris Piper to restore balance and commonsense leadership to Bend.

I will ensure Bend stays a great place to live, work, and play
– and NOT turn it into Portland.

What I Bring:

Business Acumen
- Commonsense leadership, strong understanding of financial budgets, building code interpretation, and sound decision-making.

Sustainability Awareness - Sustainable construction and forestry knowledge, considerate of natural land and existing neighborhoods.

Compassion - long-term contributor to non-profits.

Bring Balance to Bend!!!

Bring Balance to Bend!!!

·         Public Safety – I will prioritize your safety and ensure fully staffed police, fire, and other first responders who are heroes.

·         Homeless Solutions – I will balance compassion and accountability.  We can provide resources and generosity for those truly in need but also not promote “homeless tourism” like our current City Council.

·         Fiscal Responsibility and Accountability – Examine the cost and value of current and future projects, specifically the $190 Million Transportation bond.  Take an active position in reviewing the projects and programs’ progress, including City staff’s performances. 

·         Housing Solutions – Reviewing zoning laws, helping fast track new housing development and creative workforce housing, and safeguarding Real Estate values.

·         Roads & Infrastructure – Review current and future growth plans to ensure traffic, public transit, bike lanes, and other critical city infrastructure long-term.

·         Give the Voice Back to Bend – I will work closely with the 13 Neighborhood Associations to listen to and represent ALL opinions and voices.  I will not propose or vote for any action which would not pass if subjected to voter approval.   


Removal of the homeless from the Public right of ways and to enforce existing codes and work to correct those codes with public safety and sovereignty protected. Should the City council be successful in allowing the "camping Codes" to be changed before the election, I will modify them where necessary. I will work closely with the County Officials to provide a safe, functional and rewarding solution.

Preserve and enhance our existing neighborhoods and discourage higher density projects in already single family zones. I consider HB2001 perhaps well intended for larger cities to be a broad overreach by the State on the livability of Bend. I rarely find anyone who has knowledge of it. Let alone that the city council under fierce opposition still adopted it to our current codes as is.

Work with developers and planners to revitalize development of Bends Central core which has been stymied by the current council's stance on the homeless. This is an area with a great deal of public funding already available, where higher density and mixed use projects make sense.

I will seek council approval to provide oversight and hold accountable the Transportation Bond Committee to ensure we are appropriating taxpayer funds to relieve congestion (its intent) while modernizing our roadways. The plans made by the council who claims to be transparent are to restrict East/West traffic flow while building "Stressless" bike lanes.

I will not propose or vote for anything I don't believe the public, especially stakeholders would approve of. Help me get on the council so we can take care of the existing residents. There are many ways the council can assist existing and in many cases long time residents who are being squeezed by the current market. This is an area the council can have a positive effect on "affordable housing".

As a stakeholder and operator of a downtown business and a SE side warehouse I will seek to become council Liaison to the Bend Downtown Association.

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